Trust Type
One Life
Two Lives
Click the appropriate button for a One-Life or Two-Life presentation. Selecting One Life will cause the Second Person and the associated name and age fields to be hidden from view for that run.
Enter the date of the gift. Example: Mo/Day/Yr, 7/14/2000. If you enter an invalid date, such as a letter or blank, the system will default to the current date.
Rate of the Month
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
The current Rate of the Month (AFR) will display in the drop down box. Choose one of the three rates offered.
Enter the name of the Donor. You may use such titles as "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr.", "Rev.", "Jr.", etc.
Trust Amount $
Enter the amount of cash or the fair market value (FMV) of the asset(s) used to fund the CGA. For assets such as real estate, closely-held stock and other hard to value assets, the FMV would be the appraised value of the property on the date of the gift.
Trust Payout
Enter the percent income payout to the donor. You must select a trust percent payout of 5% or more.
Payment Frequency
Select either monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual income payments to the beneficiary(ies) of the income. The choice of payment frequency does affect the amount of the charitable deduction as the more frequent the payment (i.e. monthly as opposed to annually), the smaller the donor's tax deduction.